Saturday, November 04, 2006

Moronic Ramblings

Izak: Izak pwns.
Keir: Isaacs a lazy bum who cant be bothered to go a little bit left to find the o to say he owns, which he dont haha noob is an evil moronic word.
Izak: Keir's to lazy to add ' in any of her words, like "can't" and "don't".
Keir: Who really cares. atleastidontaddallmywordstogether, or spek lyk a noob.
Izak: 101, J00 |$ /\07 1337 1!|<3 /\/\3.
Keir: You're a LOON!
Izak: You're a noob.
Keir: And you point is?
Izak: Oh..Nothing, I was just informing you just in case you hadn't noticed already.
Keir: .........
Izak: *Relishes the Uncomfortable silence*
Keir: Siswa?
Izak: Since I found out I was pregnant.
Keir: BOOYA! WHO's the MAMA?
Izak: Arnold Swarts...cough. Like the perfume?
Keir: Uuuuuuhhhmmmmmm.... Amyway.. New subject.
Izak: ...... You're Silly.
Keir: How do ya figuuure?
Izak: Well, you see, by using my keen anilitical brain power and understanding I have formerly deduced that you are quote unquote "Silly" because you yourself(You as in Keir(Human(Being))) are "Silly" because you have been saying words in a funny and often confuzzling manner.
Keir: Blah blah blah, when do i get my free donut?
Izak: Why right now *Hands Keir freshly holed donut and gets back to work grumpily*


Friday, September 22, 2006

Im Baaaaack!

Wow twice in one week. i must love you guys so much.. actualy i didnt want them to cancel my email address AGAIN. alright straight down to business.

Things Ive Learnt in the Past Two Days.

1. Polar bears are white. i know! weird.

2. If you say pickle over and over for long enough and fast enough it sounds like cup.

3. Dw: in txt lingo is dont worry and

4. Nm: not much!

5. i am the newly crowned Queen of socks lol nl ml dont ask coooooz i wont tell you ha ha!

So yes i learn great stuff each day. now i have decided to add a new section it's called: random facts about me. because of my May 24th entry in which said im mysterious.
ok so 3 facts this time.

1 my favourite cartoon is 'fosters home for imaginary friends' which can be found on cartoon network. my fav character is cheese lol.

2 the thing i have loved the longest in the entire world is my cat, pixie. shes black and white and is 9 and a half, iv had her for 9 years.

3 when i was 6 or 7 or something around there my foot (mainly my toes) were slammed in a car door, nothing was broken but it really realy hurt. i have neva broken any bone in my body.

now about the story i was tellin. i would keep goin but i got bored with it lol.


this is a short story i wrote two years ago

Jacob sat on the couch with a packet of potato chips in one hand and the phone in the other. His fat belly wobbling as he yelled down the phone.
"You, boy,are getting on my nerves. There is no way you'll get caught! Security in this place is crap, the lady who owns the place is positively ditsy. So stop your blubbering." Nothing except a wimper came from the other end of the phone as Daniel hung up.

All in black, Daniel crept along the roof of J&L Jewellry store. Daniel halted suddenly as a phone rang from somewhere within the store, a female voice answered but Daniel couldn't quite make out what was being said.

"Yes Mum, I'm closing up now. I'll be home in half an hour, bye. Love ya too." Rebecca waddled across the shop to the back room muttering.
"That woman... why must she live with me.. must kick out." She colected her bag and saw the crossword puzzle she had neglected earlier.
"Just five minutes," she mutters to herself and sat down to finish it.

Nervously, Daniel checked his watch. Daniel jumped four feet when his phone vibrated against his leg.
"Hello," whispered Daniel hoarsely into the phone.
"It's time. Beep beep beep," said Jacob who had been watching for Rebecca's car. Daniel went to the stairs that led off the roof and down to the back room. He picked the lock on the door in ten seconds, and crept down the stairs.

"Hmm another word for abduct would be.... AHHHHHHHH!" Rebecca let out a piercing scream as Daniel put a rag over her mouth and tied her up with his shoe laces.

"And in recent news a local jewellery company, J&L Jewellery, was robbed late last night. A masked man took close one million dollars in jewellery. The owner, Rebecca J Locknet, was tied up in the back room for close to two hours." Said the news presenter in a monotinous tone.
"Hahahaha!" Jacob's belly wobbling as he laughed like a maniac.


mmmmm i liked that one. ok im getting typers cramp now so lataz all, i probly wont b bak till afta d hols kk.

PS: Just a litlle question? why must people insist on using my middle name ALL the time? if you're doin it to annoy me, its working, so stop it. just so you know the nxt person who calls me by my full name will recieve a kick in the pants! grr!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Hello all of my imaginary readers *tilts head side ways to smile* =) I shall be partaking in the ritual of a learners license test some time in the coming weeks Which shall be super fun. *sits fiddling with braclets for 10 min not knowing what to say* ive been coming up with a new story the old one is no longer. This one should be pretty good, i dont know if ill put it on here though, its guna be a horror/thriller so yeah. Chipmunks (where i work) has been for sale for some time now and its never going to sell because its a hole lol. This is weird usualy im bursting with junk to say but all i can think about are songs. oh well time for a classic:

well actualy since a last posted but its all the same.

1. hate is a strong word.

2. being sick sucks (thats a leason iv learnt several times over) and

3. swimming is dangerous.

well ill be back next week maybe, hopefully with more to say.

Lataz all xo.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

im such a silly.

grrr! i had written pages about wat i was gunna put on ma blog bt i LEFT IT AT HOME!!!! grrr o well till next week then aye.


1 mumsdollar arnt all that.

2 cats have weird toe-like-things.

3 in 1985 the movie 'the colour purple' didnt win any oscars despite having 11 nominations.

4 you can figure out ur exact location on earth by using shadows. and

5 the likely hood of me forgeting everything i was supposed to remember is very high.

So any weird happenings in the life of 'apple morgan' this week? well nothing weird but something cool as came to light.

anyway lataz ma radishs

PS mean beast oi.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Radishical Rad.

omg 2 in one day wat is the world coming to. death and destruction dats wat. and just so the beloved fans of mine know: prior to common mis conception i will be back next week sum time so you can tune in weekly isnt dat funkylicious. wats the world cuming to wen sum one cant wear slippers everywher and not get stared at. and wat may i ask is so rong with wandering around count down at 1am folowed by ur friends hu happen to look lyk vampires whilst ur dressed to the nines, i mean so wat u dnt have to stare lyk we'r weird or anything lol. i mean at least i wasnt wearin sumant ludicris lyk dat up there! now that wud have been cause to stare. urg i have to itchy bits on my neck bt they look lyk a vampire bite lol

oh well.

wat i learnd in the past month.

1 ... uhm ok so i learnt nufing so sue me

2 wait i thought of sumthing: the slide at chipmunks is very old and smells like cabbage on the inside.

3 most of the male species is dummer than me.

4 if u jump out of a moving vehicle u r most likely going to get hurt.

5 and there is only one thing you can count on in life, and that is that ul b embarresed by parents on a daily basis. urg.

anyway thats it for today
lataz radishs xo

supage noobz

so iv left u all alone wiv owt me 4 ages dnt u all feel soooooo neglected. lol u dnt even toss radishs. so im guna stab jeremy in th jaw coz i cant stop saying mean beast oi! grrrrrr! so dis piggy is cute hardcore and i wanted to share its cuteness wiv u all. tada.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Now kiddies are idiots are fun to play with but they can be an occupational hazzard. I realised the other day that I dont have a best friend (WAAAH pity party for me) but I've decided to change this so for hte next while I will be holding auditions, so when you see me come up, audition, and I will reject you hahaha. But anyway. I also realised the other day that no one really knows the real me, or even half of the real me, or even a quarter of the real me, maybe an eight-th if you're lucky but even thats a select few. And I think thats really sad btu at the same time totaly cool ml I am mysterious (singsong voice) I am mysterious I am mysterious I am mysterious I am mysterious I am mysterious I am mysterious! but is that a good thing or is that a bad thing, I dont care I am MYSTERIOUS! WOOT! (it is a word)

lataz people xoxo


hello all. i now finaly have had the chance to go on the internet. isnt that spiffing. now ul all be delighted to know that (drumroll) my hair is now platnim blonde and 5 inches long. . . no wait thats rong. but not saying wat it is or isnt coz that wud ruin the suprise for wen see ALL of you at aimees bday this saturday. ml

Friday, April 21, 2006


Mol is stupid. ML is much better (manical laghter).

QUOTE OF THE DAY: 'Can you teach us how to make giant corn?' -Dane Cook.

So i hate the internet. and gues wat? i was starting to almost want to go on this stupid camp but no, no now i hate it! dont ask unless u have my cellfone number.
CT2004! i waaaaaaaaaant 1. lol nah that wud b a hassle. haha shove spelin and gramerfulness i shall rule the world with an iron fist and bad grammer, just like any great super villian. ML!

All guys (except a select few) are only after one thing and are therefore extremely EVIL!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Joy to the world! shopping is great fun. EXcept when you've got two guys outside waiting to go to mcdonalds, whining and making hardcore weird noises. lol. Camp next week joy to the known, ironic world. yuck. urg i need new togs. yuck. i love my socks. oooooooooooooooooooooo guess who i saw this morning. Isaac dearest. I was at the bus stop at about 10.15 (dont ask) and Isaac and his mum were in the car right in front of me on the other side of the road and i was like 'hello! look at me mrs isaacs mum!!' but alas away they went but i sent isaac a lovely txt : i can c u. Coz thats not creepy. lol. im getting my 021 2day deffinatly woooooooooot. but its guna have 2 charge for like ever grrrrrr.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I Shall Win The Acadamy Award.

So I get the award for bestest, biggest, blondest moment in the history of forever... or at least this year. So I spent yesterday and various other moments these past few days getting ready for camp... which will undoubtedly be extremly painful. But camp is not till next week. Yes I'm an idiot, a complete idiot. but hey no one told me anything so it's not my fault. But you know what this means... you have to put up with me for some while longer woot (it is a word (MU WAH HA HA this gunna get annoying :D)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

todays events so far.

omg!!!!!!!!!! there was a woman on the bus this morning and i dont know wat her prob was but she actualy shook her fist at the bus driver, she wasnt on the bus she had just gotten off and she had the agroist look on her face and she shook her fist at the driver he looked hardcore bewildered and i must admit he was absolutely the nicest bus driver i have ever come across. but it was great im guna have the image of that woman shaking her fist at the bus for like ever! hmmmmmmmm omg gues wat else yesterday whilst on the bus (the bus seems to be an overly interesting place) i saw a gay asian guy. it was completely weird. and i know theres that person whos out there going 'so? all my friends are gay asian males' its coz YOU"RE gay hahahahahahaha no but really it was weird as coz iv seen the islanders and white gay guys but come on it was weird! gay is spreading!!!!! its just such a cliche hence why isaac wont have any in his comic (wateva!!!!!!!) so this is wat hapened i was in foodtown and the entire time this old lady followed me round it was creepy but she didnt say anything and she was in line behind me as well. but after the journey to pay for my junk she like disappeared neva 2 b seen agen lol jj nah iv no idea 1 minute she was all creepy at the checkout next second she was leaving behind a confused checkout chick lol. meh dun dun dun! PINK IS OVER RATED!!!!! the only reason my blogs pink is coz i cant figure out how to be rid of it waaaaaaaaaaah! stupid pink.


That keyboards dont like milk.
Cats dont like feet.
Scary ladys with funny bags and funny hair dont like buses.
Tutors like making people sing but only when its cruel and unusual.
Tooth paste is not a balanced breakfast... neither is a V.
Scissors and wires dont exactly agree.
Sprite zero may have zero sugar but it wont save you from evil pink cars. and
That if it crys give it a hug and a dummy.

Thank you that is my findings for today. I dont have course 2mrrw or monday and am on camp till friday so dont expect ANYTHING for 2ish weeks *laughs manically* gosh it sucks doesnt it. BYE BYE FOR NOW FAITHFUL FANS: population: 2 + my cat who forgave me for the whole 'feet' thing once i gave her some tuna fish... lol tuna fish.

PS: WOOT-IS-A-WOOOOOOOOOOOOORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part 3. We all know you've been waiting.

...everything I cared about was gone. My parents, 10 years ago. My sister, 6 years ago. My best friend, 5 years ago (God damn terrorists). My dog, 2 weeks ago. And my brother 30 minutes ago. Why should I care after this. It seems like there's a party up there and everyone I know or knew is invited and not me.* So now all is gone, lost. I reached up to, instinctively punch the head rest of the detectives in front of me when I felt it, a slight pulling, pulling towards Detective Murphey, it wasn't as strong as last time but it was there. I gave into the force and my hand smacked into the side of the detectives head and I had a sudden vision. It was so... weird. It was of...

TO BE CONTINUED.. you gotta lurve my timing. Woot! (it is a word!). Go the saga!!!!!!!!! :D

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

my day so far. coz u all wana know soooooooo bad.

lets see. time for an in depth look at my day so far. sounds good? no? too bad. laughs manically. well my alarm went of a 7 and i got up and reset it to 7.30 wondering wat on earth made me set it to 7????? then went to sleep again for wat felt like 2 seconds but was really half an hour. got up to turn alarm off at 7.30 and turned radio on, it was PLUTO with Dance Stamina. i like PLUTO they aint bad or nothing. then I found some clothes chucked em on. and did other various rituals of morning getting readyness. then left house at 7.56 and started up street very half heartedly. when i got up to the shops i checked my card and was a little miffed at how much work had actualy paid me. shant be gettin an 021 til next week gosh darn. went over the street to sit at the bus stop til 8.21 when the bus finally got to my stop. I got onto the 133 and gave the bus driver $3 and said 'New Lynn, please' he looked at the money, pushed some buttons and slammed the money into one of the little compartment things. The ticket came out and i grabbed it and a little dis-orientated by the evil busdriver took my seat in one of the seats that face the wrong way staring straight at a guy in his 20s with a receeding hair line who was sitting next to an old indian lady with a wart right in the middle of her chin. I got out my disc man thing, whys it called that, and turned on nickelback, joy to the world. Whilst sitting there one of them trucks with the chickens on them pulled up beside the bus and i was starin straight into the eyes of a live chicken! oh my gosh what a cruel and unusual experience for the chickens!!! Then we finally got to New Lynn and i got off the bus and made my way to course, joy to the world. When i got there i was 4 minutes early and so i turned on the computer. and did the whole work thing then went onto isaac dearests blog and poor little isaacs guna have to do the comics less often *sob*. then PLAY LUNCH! stupid asians, no fence, they brought in another vending machine gosh running total is four, joy to the world, no doubt itll be 5 by weeks end. then did stuff on my blog woot (it IS a word!) and then Anton dearest broke my computer then fixed it 40 minutes later! then started writing this then went to lunch. Paid off dick smiths where the guy who served me was like hardcore creepy and then i went to the mad butcher woot (it IS a word!!!!!!!!) where there was a woman who seemed to need to go potty like real real real bad then the bakery which has weird pies and an apparently real bad history and the chick seemed more interested in the tongs than my money. then came back to course where i finished this.

Now if you read that entire thing you get a gold star coz its real boring :D and you must be real bored to read the entire thing... just like me WOOT (IT IS A GOSH DARN WOOOOOOOORD!!!!!!!!!!)

Part 2. Can you feel the suspense.

As I ran away I heard some one shout 'Hey you!' but I didn't turn around. When I finally stopped running I was four blocks away and had only stopped because that guy , now in a cop car, had pulled up.
"Miss, were you at that crime scene back there?" he said it like a question but I knew he knew that I'd been there.
"Yes." I said, puffing slightly.
"In that case you're gunna have to come with us." I noticed the agitated looking man in the car and making conversation asked:
"What's his matter?" His matter was, as it turns out, that he didn't like chaffeuring Detective Murphey, thats the guys name, around. As I sat in the back of the car I felt bad, people on the street were staring, wondering what I'd done to get myself in the back of a police car. But I really didn't care. Everything I cared about was gone.

TO BE CONTINUED... wait I lie! thats the end!!!!!!!! jj

Friday, April 07, 2006

The ongoing saga of the confused.

In the shadows lurks an horrific entity. Crazed. The darkness seeped through the cracks to plunge all into its misty depths and when it faded he was no more, in his place was an outline on the ground in yellow.

As the outline of sloppy yellow paint became clearer i had to look away. I wanted to run, I wanted to hide, wanted the earth to swallow me whole. I wanted it to be my yellow outline, not his any ones but his. But alas the world wanted it. But how, why? The world is cruel in its irony because I found out exactly why a few seconds later. As soon as he walked in through the small crowd that was gatering I was attracted to him litterally like a magnet. "Oosh". I flew feet scraping across the ground to stick to his side. We were stuck together just like the said magnets. I couldn't get unstuck. After a few minutes of frantic pushing we unstuck. What the heck was that were my imediate thoughts or were they my thoughts I would have thought they would have been a little less G rated. He was staring at me curiously as I stumbled away wanting to be rid of the entire scene.

TO BE CONTINUED... as I said ongoing saga :D

Thursday, April 06, 2006


iv been surfing the blogs (excruciatingly boring) and omg there is lyk a zillion!!!!!!! if u r reading this anyone at all its a miricle haha but u know this means no one will ever find my shameful blog :)