Day 145
Today I am yet again a champion. This time I am the champion of Gin. I was told that if one drink Gin and only Gin (instead of the rainbow flurry of drinks I usually do) then I would with out a doubt cry. 'Challenge accepted' I cried!(pun intended) And last night I got a rather spinning buzz off some Gin. Not a single tear. Not even the beginnings of any. I was more upset earlier that day when six people were talking at once. BUT that is only half of the victory. Two people drank as much as I did (if not a little more than me) and both of those people ended up throwing up. Stellar sound effects all night let me tell you. There is nothing quite like cleaning up some one else's puke at 5am to make you really appreciate how awesome not puking or feeling sick really is. So at 8am when my alarm went off for me to get up go to work I felt fantastic. I am actually not exaggerating. I felt better in that moment than after a nice 10 hours of sleep. Champion of Gin title or no I do not want Gin again very soon as it's not very nice... Maybe now I can conquer Vodka in a new way.
just in a post script kind of way OMFG WHY YOU BASTARD EYELIDS STOP ITCHING!!
1 comment:
I would like to point out i didnt vomit untill the next day =D and you did not have to clean up my puke!
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