Sunday, March 27, 2011

Look Up

Day 86

It doesn't matter how sophisticated you are, you look like a goon when trying to bargain loudly with the moth flying around your face that if it leaves you alone you won't squish it. But that wiley moth knows your bluffing and you don't want to squish it. Because that's icky. Yes there a moth attacking me. Yes I look like a cat swatting it away from my face. No I didn't squish it. Yes it's gone now. But it feels like its on me...

A couple of weeks ago whilst in a friend's car a cicada attacked me. I was in the back next to the window with it down and enjoying the breeze. The person next to me was calling some one to invite them to come out but got the answering machine. This pretty much sums up the message they received:

oh shit
its on me!
*deep blood curdling scream*
its on my foot
*more screaming*
get it off get it off get it off
*more blood screams*
oh no oh no get it off
what is it

And then it flew out the window again and I said in a very calm voice "I think it was a cicada" to which every one laughed and asked 'what the hell was that?'
One person said it sounded as if someone was chopping my foot off.
In my defense I was in a bad mood and well I really don't have any reason. It made for an awesome message though.

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