Day 23
A tiny montage of my day. This pic is of us being lovingly shoved off the motorway as it was flooded. Whoever the genius is that decided "lets make it so if it rains a bit the motorway will flood, Hyuck!" is not in fact a genius but the idiot responsible for me being 1 hour late to work.

This pic is of me getting annoyed at the people on facebook playing a pictionary game and obviously failing at understanding the difference between elevator music and a boomerang D<

This pic is of me getting annoyed at the wind. Yes it was a day where if you push me I yell at you and the wind was pushing me. I think wind is very weird. An invisible force pushing things around and we just accept it. No I say it's a lot of invisible Cherry Goblins trying to get us (and trees) to move along and stop staring at their freckles.

Yes this is a Cherry Goblin..
Now that is LOL ! Cherry Goblin...
I personally enjoyed the Boomerang/elevator music bit. XD
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