Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm Sick.

No really I am. and it SUCKS! i have this whole achey all over, blocked nose and headachey thing going on. Someone said "oh noes swine flu!" when I told them today. Boy are they gonna feel bad when it is (jj). But seriously i just coughed and my head is killing me =(

Things i learnt this week:

1) I hate it when people make you laugh when you're eating and you get rice stuck up your nose.

2)Balloons make me feel like (and act like) a little kid =)

3) Being sick on your days off is the worst thing in the world. Its so wasteful. I was supposed to have a driving lesson!!!

There should be a way to find out if someones blocked u on msn =(

argh now it hurts when I swallow =(

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